Our references
Extending the port of Mostaganem (Algeria)
4 - Maritime and port structures -
Extension of Le Havre port (France)
5 - Coastal and estuarine developments -
Fujairah thermal power plant (United Arab Emirates)
4 - Maritime and port structures -
Gandharbpur water treatment plant Pumping stations (Bangladesh)
1 - Urban and industrial hydraulics -
GOP Island (United Arab Emirates)
4 - Maritime and port structures -
4 - Maritime and port structures
Grand Lahou lagoon sea outlet (Ivory Coast)
5 - Coastal and estuarine developments -
Halifax pumping station (Canada)
1 - Urban and industrial hydraulics -
4 - Maritime and port structures
3 - Dams and hydropower
3 - Dams and hydropower
Jounieh cruise terminal (Lebanon)
4 - Maritime and port structures