Shoaiba II power plant (Saudi Arabia)

Water intake and outfall of a thermal power station

Client: DAELIM - Scale: 1/43

Modelling of the water intake and outfall system in wave basin | Artelia hydraulics
Modelling of the water intake and outfall system in wave basin

The Shoaiba II combined cycle power plant is located ont the edge of a coral reef with depths varying very rapidly between -50 m to -1 m CD, which has a significant impact on wave breaking.

Physical modelling

3D physical scale model concerning the stability of the outfall channel breakwaters and water intake and the effect of wave-current interactions on the hydraulic operation of the outfall channel.


Modelling of:

  • the water intake channel
  • the pipes used to abstract seawater through the reef at a depth of -22 mCD and heir protection structures
  • the breakwater that gives the access to the pile-supported jetty
  • the breakwater enclosed the outfall basin