Nador West Med Harbour (Morocco)

Harbour protection structures

Client: Joint Venture STFA-SGTM - Scales: 1/54 to 1/80


Distribution of the various port structures studied in the wave basins of the Artelia Laboratory
Distribution of the various port structures studied in the wave basins of the Artelia Laboratory
As part of the Nador West Med port project in Morocco, ARTELIA carried out tests on 2D and 3D physical models of the protection structures on behalf of the STFA-SGTM JV. Two 2D and four 3D models were produced within five months in the various wave tests platforms of our Lab.

Structures studied

The protective structures tested consisted of a main breakwater around 4,200 m long, rooted as a rubble mound jetty with an ACCROPODE™II armour of 4, 6 and 8 m3 and extended offshore by a caisson structure, and a secondary embankment breakwater (ACCROPODE™II of 4 and 6 m3) around 1,200 m long.

Physical modelling

Pressure and wave loads measurements in wave flume | Artelia hydraulics
Pressure and wave loads measurements in wave flume

2D models (scale 1/55): Design of the main dike caissons by measuring overtoppings, pressures (using sensors) and wave forces (using a 3-component balance) on the front face and checking the stability of the rocks protection at the toe of the caisson



Jonction between the rubble mound structure and the caissons line on the main breakwater in the 3D model | Artelia hydraulics
Jonction between the rubble mound structure and caissons line on the main breakwater in the 3D model
3D models (scales 1/54 to 1/80): hydraulic stability and overtoppings measurements at the junction between the rubble mound structure and the caissons of the main dike, along the caissons line, on the harbour entrance structures and at the root of the secondary breakwater.





Wave propagation along the structures in the entrance | Artelia hydraullics
Wave propagation along the structures in the entrance










Wave conditions tested: 100-year waves height between 3.8 and 5.6 m depending on the harbour sectors, with a peak period of 12 to 14 s; waves from NW and NNE directions