Paris Main treatment plant (Achères, France)
Achères « Seine Aval » Waste Water Treatment Plant : Rebuilding of the inlet and distribution structure
Client: Hydratec - Model scale: 1:12
The joint venture OTV / STEREAU / HYDRATEC / ARTELIA was commisioned by SIAAP for a « design and build » for the rebuilding of the biggest treatment plant in Europe, « Seine Aval » in Achères, west of Paris. The aim is to introduce a new primary decantation step with lift station between pretreatment and biological treatment. HYDRATEC subcontracted ARTELIA for a hydraulic physical model study, from the outlet of the pretreatment to the 4 pumping stations, in order to confirm/optimize the hydraulic design and to ensure proper and safe operation.
Description of the physical scale model
For this extraordinary project, Artelia built an exceptional scale model with unusual large dimensions and numerous electronical equipement (measurement instrumentation and automatized control):
- 30 sand traps, 5 counting channels, 4 pumping stations and 2 emergency weirs.
- Large number of measuring devices : 11 electromagnetic flowmeters, 22 level sensors, gates position monitoring
- New control-command system : motorized gates and electronical monitoring
- Spatial and temporal monitoring of the disjunction wave, in case of partial / general electrical shutdown
Aims of the physical scale model
The model objectives were the following :
- Improvement of the hydraulic operation : headlosses, surface vortices, pre-rotation and swirl at the pump suction, transition between existing structures and project structures.
- Operation of the emergency weirs (by-pass)
- Study of the transient phenomena and surge analysis (in case of pumping station electrical disjunction).