Protection and rehabilitation of Stavilare seaside
Edighiol sea outlet
Client: STRABAG - Scales: 1/20.9 (2D) - 1/29 (3D)
As part of the project of protection and rehabilitation of the seaside of Stavilare, physical modeling in flume and wave basin of the hydraulic stability of the protection groyne of the Edighiol outlet
Hydraulic stability of the groyne for 2D and 3D wave action, for a range of extreme wave and water level conditions. Measure of wave agitation and mean wave overtopping at the lee of the structure are also made for high water level events including the sea level rise over the 50 year design life period . Measure of wave pressures on the wall are also made for high water level events in the 2D model
Structure testedCurrent section modeled and instrumented in 2D
The 3D model test structure is the entire 100 m long Edighiol groyne structure built.
Armour of the groyne is made of 1 m3 ACCROPODE™ II.
the armour settlement along the front slope is assessed based on an overlay photograph technique during the 2D tests.
Wave pressure loads were measured using piezoresistive sensors at 4 locations on the crownwall: 2 locations on the front face and 2 locations on the underside of the wall.