Coastal protection structures
Physical modelling to define strategies for adapting coastal protection structures.
What we do
- Studies of coastline management methods
- Rehabilitation or adaptation of existing protection structures
- Studies of the impact of developments on coastal morphodynamics and coastline changes
- Assessment of flood risks
- Definition of mitigating measures to accompany the implementation of development works.
Our expertise
- Modelling using a wave flume (2D) or wave tank (3D) to study the stability of protection structures: groynes, breakwaters, backshore protection
- Measurement of the forces and pressures exerted by breaking waves on structure facings, crest walls and backshore revetments
- Measurement of overtopping of structures and risks of flooding behind the coastal strip.
- Implementation of movable-bed sedimentological modelling to:
- examine long-term or seasonal changes to the coastline
- study changes to the bed profile during storm periods, erosion risks at the toe of structures, and scour protection systems
- analyse the impact of developments on longshore drift and effects on coastal morphodynamics (quantify risks and volumes of sedimentation and/or erosion, estimate coastline retreat)
- investigate and develop management methods combining effective protection with limited impact on the ecosystem: beach nourishment, dune strengthening, bypass systems, development works, relocation of elements at risk further inland.