Port of Constanta breakwater (Romania)
Extension of the harbour breakwater
Client: Van Oord - Scales: 1/50 (2D) - 1/55.4 (3D)
In the framework of the project to extend the Port of Constanta, the 1050 m-long main breakwater is to be extended. Van Oord, in charge of the works, commissioned Artelia to perform scale model tests (2D and 3D) to confirm the stability of the structure (armour facing, toe mound, crest wall) under wave attack.
The model was used to study:
- Hydraulic stability of the structure protected with ACCROPODETM II blocks of 12m3 on its straight section and 20 m3 on its roundhead;
- Overtopping rates over the new breakwater;
- Hydraulic stability of the transition between the existing breakwater protected by STABILOPODE blocks (modelled using TETRAPODE blocks) and the new structure protected on its straight section by 9 m3 ACCROPODETM II blocks.