La Plata LNG Terminal (Uruguay)
Protection of the Punta Sayago LNG terminal
Client: Construtora OAS - Scales: 1/37,5 (2D) - 1/39 (3D)
Physical modelling
Wave flume (2D) and wave tank (3D) stability studies of the breakwater (length: ~1600 m) protecting the new Punta Sayago LNG terminal off the coast of Montevideo
The current section of the planned structure was first studied in wave flume.
Following the 2D modelling, the 3D model was used to verify the overall hydraulic stability of the structure, particularly in the bends, the roundheads and along the rear slope of the structure. It was also used to measure the overtopping flowrates particularly, in critical areas of the breakwater.
Typology of the structure
Detached structure consisting of a rubble mound breakwater protected by a 3 m3 ACCROPODE TM II armour
Specific project feature
Structure subject to a wide angular wave sector