Taksebt drinking water treatment plant (Algeria)
Improvement of the flow distribution at the inlet chamber to the treatment plant
Client: Degrémont - Model scale: 1:10
Degrémont commissioned ARTELIA with the construction of a scale model of the distribution chamber at Taksebt drinking water treatment plant. The aim of the study was to determine the causes of the poor flow distribution conditions between the various settling tanks, and to find a remedy for this.
Description of the physical scale model
The distribution chamber up to the outlet weirs and two baffles upstream of the chamber were represented.
The measurements carried out were:
- Free surface level gauges ;
- Inflow and outfow rates;
- Velocity and pressure gauges.
as well as visual observations.
Aims of the physical scale model
The aims of the pysical scale model were to:
- Study the various present flow distributions and compare them with prototype measurements;
- Examine various potential solutions to improve distribution, according to various operating conditions (number of opened settling tanks);
- Measure the dynamic pressures exerted on the rails (solution adopted).