Structures subject to flood hazards
Mechanical strength of “life-size” structures
Client: Toulouse Métropole - Scale: 1/1
Artelia (formerly Sogreah) was closely involved, alongside the City of Toulouse, in drawing up the Toulouse PPRi, particularly in terms of defining the reference hazards. Alongside these discussions, Artelia was also partly involved in the regulatory aspects of the PPR, under the supervision of the French government Authorities. In order to clarify certain constructive provisions based on theoretical calculations and/or assumptions made by experts in terms of the mechanical resistance of masonry structures and door and window frames to flooding, Artelia was commissioned by the City of Toulouse to carry out “full-scale” tests strictly reproducing some of the configurations taken into consideration.
Test program
The test program focused on three configurations:
- The failure of an unloaded traditional masonry wall (mortar-bonded cinder blocks);
- The failure of a traditional masonry wall (mortar-bonded cinder blocks), but loaded at the top in order to reproduce the effects of load drops from an upper level;
- The failure of a single-leaf French window (with predefined dimensions, no base, three hinges, etc., in order to faithfully reproduce the theoretical approaches adopted by the French government).
Fracture tests were also carried out outside the laboratory, in a specially built, instrumented watertight enclosure, allowing progressive static loading.
Beyond the results obtained, which highlighted, for example, that the weak points of the frame were more related to the deformation of the frame and the breakage of the hinges than to the strength of the glass surface, these tests above all highlighted an original use of the resources and know-how available in the laboratory!