GOP Island (United Arab Emirates)

GOP Island seawater intake

Client: ADNOC - Scale: 1/29

In the framework of the Hail & Ghasha Development Project, 2D physical modelling of the water flow through a porous dike protecting the intake basin of GOP Island. Objectives are the following:

  • Evaluate the effect of the water discharge through the cross-section of the dike (assess the head-loss between the sea side and the basin side by measuring the difference in water levels generated by the pumping of water from the basin), to verify that the basin is properly sized in order to cope with the design flow from the pumping station.
  • Evaluate the effect that incident waves may have on the water flow through the dike and corresponding head-loss and estimate wave transmission through the dike and its core.

Effect of incident waves on the water flow through the dike | Artelia hydraulics
Effect of incident waves on the water flow through the dike









Views of the flow in the intake basin | Artelia hydraulics
Views of the flow in the intake basin









Specific project feature

Permeability scaling is applied to the core material where viscous scale effects on flow resistance with the porosity is concerned.