Ethics & Compliance
Artelia Group has always been strongly committed to exemplary integrity and ethics in the conduct of its business and in its relations with all stakeholders. Rules of conduct, principles and guidelines governing ethics and environmental and social responsibility have been defined to establish the behavior required of the Group’s executives and employees, as well as our suppliers and partners.
Wherever Artelia Group operates, our subsidiaries respect local cultures and traditions while also conveying the Group’s values through their actions and local commitment and in compliance with laws and regulations of each country.
The Group’s Integrity Program aims to help employees to develop their activities with integrity and transparency in compliance with our rules of conduct. It is based on a specific organization, the Group Code of Ethics and a whistleblowing system available for all.
The Code of Ethics is a cornerstone of our ethics and compliance policy. It constitutes a common ethical framework that each employee must follow in the performance of their duties. Artelia promotes five strong values (Excellence, Simplicity, Sharing, Independence and Passion) that guide individual behavior for employees at work, encourage collective performance and give meaning to the company’s purpose: “Designing solutions for a positive life”.
In terms of the Code of Ethics, these five values mean:
- To fulfilling our contractual obligations while controlling our risks and rigorously applying the provisions of the Code of Ethics;
- Simplicity in relations between employees and with our clients and partners, including in assert the requisite and strict adherence to the provisions of the Code of Ethics;
- Sharing information transparently and a collegial decision-making process, which must be particularly clear in matters relating to the provisions of the Code of Ethics;
- Independence of judgement and the spirit of responsibility, in particular with regard to the scrupulous application of the provisions in the Code of Ethics;
- Passion for working in a profession with an ambitious purpose, and pride to work with a high level of commitment, as stated in the Code of Ethics provisions.
Artelia Group encourages open communication and dialogue within the Group and with its external partners and clients: that’s why the Group has different channels to report in good faith facts, illegal, unethical or dangerous behaviors concerning general interest, people or the company.
Employees can contact their manager or their human resources manager, their Business Unit Ethics & Integrity Manager or the Group Compliance Officer. Stakeholders can raise their concern to their contact person(s) at Artelia.
In addition to these channels for raising ethical and other concerns, the Group’s employees and stakeholders have access to Artelia Group Integrity Line, an online interface that provides a fully confidential and secure way of reporting in good faith these facts, illegal, unethical or dangerous behaviors concerning general interest, people or the company.
This interface is accessible via the following link: https://arteliagroup.integrityline.app/
Artelia Group provides the whistle-blower with protection against reprisals. This means that no one can suffer reprisals, or threats of reprisals, because they have reported an ethics or fraud issue in good faith.
Information collected by all recipients of the report and the people concerned remain strictly confidential. Anyone involved in an alert has a right to access and correct data concerning them. The data subjects (issuer of the alert, persons involved in the collection or processing of the alert, person who is the subject of an alert as a victim or alleged witness of the facts) may exercise their right of access by using the whistleblowing system or by post addressed to the Group Compliance Officer.