Protection of embankments (Marocco)
Protection of embankments behind the dike against overtoppings
Model Scale: 1:65
Characterization of the overtoppings and instantaneous volumes of water reaching the future embankments along the berths located behind the main dike at its root.
Physical modeling in a wave basin taking into account the adaptations of the design sections of the dike and the installation of a cliff protection by a structure armoured in ACCROPODE ™ II. Design of drainage structures based on model results.
Design criteria
Overtoppings criteria on the physical model: 1000l / m corresponding to the maximum acceptable instantaneous volume regardless of the storm return period
Special features of the project
The site is subject to particularly long storm periods (around 15 hours). This leads to increasing the maximum wave height and the volumes of instantaneous overtoppings. In addition, the configuration of the site means that the largest waves are likely to cause locally a greater rise in the water level (accumulation effect between the main dike of the port and the cliff).