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The Laboratory
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The Laboratory
Our Team
History of the laboratory
Key dates
Our testing facilities
Wave flumes
Wave tanks
Looped flume
General-purpose area
Torrent modelling area
Sedimentology laboratory
Laboratory instrumentation
Visit of the Laboratory
Ethics & Compliance
Your project
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Your project
Urban and industrial hydraulics
Pumping stations
Drop structures
Urban networks
Water intakes and outfalls
River developments and hydrosedimentary models
Sediment deposition areas
River structures
Sedimentation in rivers and reservoirs
Scouring at the toe of structures
Water intakes and outfalls
Dams and hydropower
Water intakes and outfalls
Flood spillways
Scouring at the toe of structures
Sedimentation in rivers and reservoirs
Surge shafts
Port and maritime structures
Wave stability of rubble-mound breakwaters
Vertical structures
Mooring of floating structures
Water intakes and outfalls
Scouring at the toe of structures
Coastal and estuarine developments
Coastal protection structures
Morphodynamics of coastal and estuarine areas
Specific tests
Lock gate sealing system
Test bench for a sliding system
What we do
Our references
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Home page
The Laboratory
Our testing facilities
Laboratory instrumentation
Velocity and flow rate measurement
Velocity and flow rate measurement
propeller current meter
differential pitot tube
Propeller current meter
Differential pitot tube for measuring velocities
Flow rates
a bank of 25 electromagnetic flowmeters to cover the range of flow rates on the structures usually studied
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