Launch of the Oxalia Chair - Press release
12 April 2022

Designing more efficient hydraulic structures and protecting the coastline
Fondation Grenoble INP, supported by Artelia, has just launched a new Chair for Industrial Excellence: Oxalia
The research will consist in predicting the dynamics of multiphase flows, i.e. water flows in the presence of solid particles or air bubbles, which are at the origin of the damage caused to hydraulic infrastructures or the risks of erosion in fluvial or coastal environments.
Experimentation will also play a major role for the validation of the numerical tools. For this, the equipments of the Geophysical and Industrial Flow Laboratory (LEGI) and the Hydraulics Laboratory of Artelia will be involved.
The Chair will promote discussions and reflections on environmental hydraulics between researchers, PhD students, students of Grenoble INP and the industry.
- Chairholder: Julien Chauchat of LEGI (julien.chauchat@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)
- President of the Chair: Pierre Carlotti from Artelia
- Scientific contact at Artelia: Olivier Bertrand (olivier.bertrand@arteliagroup.com)